Serves 6

Pineapple, Cacao and Coconut Slice

We partnered with Nadia Magazine and True Food and Yoga last month for a day full of yoga, healthy treats and top tips to get summer ready. Everybody was asking for the recipe so True Food and Yoga have shared it with us. Recipe designed by True Food and Yoga with Nadia Magazine



60g hazelnut

60g sunflower seeds

60g pumpkin seeds

60gdried coconut

60ml coconut oil

60g maple syrup

Middle Cacao layer

35g cacao powder

60ml coconut oil

180g maple syrup


Top Layer – Pineapple Caramel

300g dates (softened)

400g pineapple

80ml coconut oil

100g coconut sugar





  1. Place hazelnuts, seeds & dried coconut in a food processor and blitz until a fine, crumbly texture. Ass the melted coconut oil & maple syrup and mix until well combined.
  2. Press mixture into the prepared baking tin, pressing down firmly.  Set in refrigerator.   

Middle Cacao Layer

  1. Melt everything together in a pot.   Spread over the base and refrigerate to set. 

Top Layer- Pineapple Caramel

  1. Soften dates by putting them in a small bowl and cover with boiling water. Let them steep for 10 to 15 minutes, and then strain the fruit and discard the water.
  2. To make the caramel, place all ingredients in a food processor. Blitz until smooth. 
  3. Spread caramel all over the firm cacao layer in the baking tin. Set aside in the fridge or freezer to set.

